2014年3月22日 星期六

3/17 筆記與心得


1.Communicating value
Academic libraries must prove the value they provide to the academic enterprise. 必須向學校高層證明圖書館所提供服務的價值。

2.Data curation
Data curation challenges are increasing as standards for all types of data continue to evolve; more repositories, many of them cloud-based, will emerge; librarians and other information workers will collaborate with their research communities to facilitate this process. 隨著各式資料標準持續演變,讓 Data curation(資料保管?) 工作的挑戰越來越大。將會有更多基於雲端的典藏庫推出。圖書館員與其他資訊工作者將會合作以促進Data curation工作的進行。

3.Digital preservation 數位(數位:電子、電極)典藏 →O能被使用;→X不被損壞
As digital collections mature, concerns grow about the general lack of long-term planning for their preservation. No strategic leadership for establishing architecture, policy, or standards for creating, accessing, and preserving digital content is likely to emerge in the near term. 隨著數位典藏的成熟,關於資料保存缺乏長期規畫的問題將獲得更多的關注。不耗損、不消失

4.Higher education
Higher education institutions are entering a period of flux, and potentially even turmoil. Trends to watch for are the rise of online instruction and degree programs, globalization, and an increased skepticism of the “return on investment” in a college degree. 高教機構正處於一個變化、動盪的時期,值得注意的趨勢有:線上教學及學位課程的興起、全球化、對於大學學位投資報酬率的質疑增加 (LV註:台灣恐要再加上少子化)。

5.Information technology
Technology continues to drive much of the futuristic thinking within academic libraries. 資訊科技持續為圖書館帶來更多未來性的思考

6.Mobile environments
Mobile devices are changing the way information is delivered and accessed. 行動裝置正在改變資訊傳遞及取得的方式。

7.Patron driven e-book acquisition
Patron-Driven Acquisition (PDA) of e-books is poised to become the norm. For this to occur, licensing options and models for library lending of e-books must become more sustainable. 電子書的讀者需求導向選購模式將成為一種規範,針對圖書館電子書借閱的授權選項及模式必須更具永續性。

8.Scholarly communication
New scholarly communication and publishing models are developing at an ever-faster pace, requiring libraries to be actively involved or be left behind. 新的學術傳播及出版模式正在快速的發展,圖書館若不積極參與,便會被拋在後面。

Academic libraries must develop the staff needed to meet new challenges through creative approaches to hiring new personnel and deploying/retraining existing staff. 大學圖書館為因應新挑戰,必須以創新的方式雇用新進人員,或者重新訓練現職人員。

10.User behaviors and expectations
Convenience affects all aspects of information seeking—the selection, accessibility, and use of sources. 便利性影響了資訊尋求行為

